independent and semi-selective multimuse.any similarity to other portrayals is ( entirely coincidental ).cherished by xy.
Primary Muses:
Nonactive Muses:
Request only.
Listed for musing purposes.

Hello! Thank you so much for clicking to read my rules, it’s super appreciated!
I apologize if my tone in this is harsh, I am only trying to cover all of my bases as i wish for my roleplay experience to be stress & drama free and nothing here is reflective to how I feel about you <3
- TW // Content Warnings -
Graphic Murder & Torture, bodily fluids, Graphic depiction of death and the dead, Body Mutilation, Physical Abuse, Child Abuse/Neglect, Psychological + Suicidal themes, Obsessive Tendencies, Self harm
➤ This blog is OC Friendly, Multi-verse+muse Friendly, Canon-Divergent Friendly and Crossover FriendlyI can be pretty selective for threads, but I’m willing to interact casually with most anyone.➤ Please have General respect, no godmodding, or talking in place of my muse or interpretation.BIGGEST THING. I expect my work to be heard and I will not tolerate being spoken over. If I am to listen to you on your own character, with all the love and work you've put into them, then I expect mutual respect returned.
If that cant be achieved then I have no desire to interact with you.
On the same general subject, do not pressure or expect me to change my characters based off of what you want them to be for your storyline/plot or romantic pursuits.➤ Please be aware of graphic content.My replies will quite often contain mature content listed in my content warning. This will all be tagged accordingly and available for blacklist. If you need something else trigger tagged, please tell me right away so I can help you avoid that.➤ Absolutely no minors.
Please, be mature, do NOT lie to me about your age.
- Relationships -
Any relationships are allowed, though only with chemistry and mutual agreement.
+ Anyone has full permission to be enemies with my muse; actually it is encouraged!With that being said, You are free to harm, attack, or fight my muse ( nothing lethal unless we talk about it first ); but again please no major god-modding, in any situation. For simple things, like passing an item back or filling in my stated actions, is completely fine, but do not directly control my muse’s unsaid direction or choices unless I give you permission.
Will NOT Roleplay: Rape/Non-con/Dub-Con, Incest, In Depth Scenes of Abuse, Pedophilia, Extreme Kinks, Pregnancy
Verulo Gallo
Content Warnings:
Gore + Dismemberment, Intense Emotions, Implied Cheating, War.

- Biography -
Name: Verulo Gallo
Fandom: Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Age: 43
Height: 6'4
Languages: Italian, French, Turkish
Species: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Medium to Long Length Blonde hair, messily tied back into a ponytail. Brown eyes. Wide, muscular body. Most often is clad in hard italian steel, decorated in red cloth, and fit with a large red plume atop his helmet. Wields a claymore exclusively.
Origins: Siena, Italy.
Mannerisms: Confident, aggressively calm movements. Cannot stand idly, rolls his head on his shoulders or readjusts himself often. Hair is rarely brushed w/ a wide grin, followed by loud, booming low pitched voice.
Loyalties: Templar Order.
- Extra -Song for his exact Vibe
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Born in Siena, Italy, Verulo Gallo had a pleasant and peaceful childhood, raised by a loving mother and physically disabled father, who served as an ex-veteran in the state's army. Following in his footsteps, and to gain the praise of his family, Verulo enlisted at the young age of 16.To provide financial support to his family, who he believed deserved nothing more than peace and lavishness in their old age, Verulo served the state loyally and lived frugally, until the day his parents would pass away when he was only 25.Unable to cope with the scenery and his loss, Verulo paid his respects and left his home, finding his place within a traveling band of mercenaries who he would train relentlessly with. This life grew boring to him, never quite pushing him or challenging him to the extent that he wished for. His motivation and prowess for battle swiftly raised him to the highest rank he could ever wish for, yet it was still never enough. Battles in which he was outnumbered grew to excite him, pushed him to his very limits, and helped him release all the emotions that seems to be locked behind his gleeful personality. and therefore he began to thrive in the heat of battle.Abandoning his leadership, Verulo was inspired to form his own band of knights, warriors, and mercenaries, traveling and training to face the most staggering of odds, to which his men would thrive alongside him, as their new captain.This eventually caught the attention of the Borgia family, to which he would gladly accept and travel to Rome, where the family paid them handsomely.
Lavish in newfound riches, Verulo and his men devoured feast after feast, indulging in women and wine, as Verulo spoiled every person he met, bringing him joy and drive to keep fighting.This place quickly became home for him, and despite the traveling and wars he'd be sent out on, Verulo Gallo always returned to the Castel of Rome, where he grew to make friends, as well as those he now considered like the new family he so desperately needed to thrive for.Here, still going strong at the age of 43, Verulo trained the Borgia's soldiers as he awaited his next big challenge, to which he swore he'd never fail to bring home victory for his Borgia masters.
dario Mancinelli
Content Warnings:
Gore, Impalement, Cruelty, Misogyny, Narcissism, War & War PTSD, Alcoholism, Anger.

- Biography -
Name: Dario Mancinelli
Fandom: Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Age: 26
Height: 6'1
Languages: Italian, French, Turkish, Greek
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Short brown hair, raked back with sweat. Brown eyes. Slim, muscular body. Most often is clad in hard italian steel, decorated in red cloth, and fit with a large red plume atop his helmet. Wields a longsword and spear exclusively.
Origins: Florence, Italy.
Mannerisms: Confident, imposing figure. Watchful glare, narrowed gaze. Low rumbling voice, with a slight rasp beneath it, always betraying his cocky nature. Very quick to anger and violence.
Loyalties: Templar Army.
- Extra -Voice Claim Here — Golden Knight.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Madonna Solari
Content Warnings:
Cruelty, Misogyny, Sexual trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Grooming,
Narcissism, Bullying, Abuse, Paranoia, Stalking.

- Biography -
Name: Madonna Solari
Fandom: Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Age: 42
Height: 5'9
Languages: French, Italian
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Long blonde hair, messily tied back into a long braid down to thighs. Brown eyes. Curvy body type. Most often dressed in an red, pink and white off the shoulder dress. Dons a lattice scuffia atop her head.
Origins: Aosta , Italy.
Mannerisms: Fluid and Feminine. Piercing gaze watchful of surroundings, often darting around the room. Fidgets often by tidying her face, rubbing thumbs, and rolling her head on shoulders. Voice is low and less delicate than wished.
Loyalties: Templar Order.
Solari Family Lineage.
- Extra -tda.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Ilario Lombardi
Content Warnings:
Gore, Cruelty, Paranoia, Schizophrenia struggles, Burn scars, Gun Trauma, PTSD.

- Biography -
Name: Ilario Lombardi
Fandom: Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Age: 36
Height: 5'10
Languages: Italian, French
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bi-curious Aro/Ace
Appearance: Short Black hair, marred facial features/loss from his right eyebrow down to his left cheek. Bridge of the nose is broken inward, a bit ajar. Dons a white porcelain mask, ermine fur lining traditional northern Italy royal attire. Carries only a slender, single-action bolt gun, though he favors poison's uses.
Origins: Milan, Italy.
Mannerisms: Smooth and precise movements, A low and quiet tone of voice, though can quickly shift to a raised tone of his medium-ranged voice + unpredictable movements will follow emotional triggers.
Loyalties: Templar Order.
- Extra -tda.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Born in Milan, Italy, Ilario Lombardi lived life as a middle-class man for most of his young life, before he was hired to be a painter and designer for a wealthy family, unbeknownst of their rivalry with the fearsome brotherhood of Assassins.Years into his work for the family, the home was viciously attacked by Assassins that had snuck in as guests of the party, waiting for guests to begin dropping as their poisoned meals began to take hold of their systems.Ilario, who had been too anxious to down anything covered in spices and herbs, stood as one of the few that could do something to help, to get help for the family and the residents - but was suddenly blinded as the acid was thrown directly into his face, sending him to his knees in agony as his skin felt as though it melted and slipped from his skull.Unable to open his eyes, Ilario stumbled to his feet, resisting the hands that suddenly grabbed and forced him toward the unknown. It wasn't long until he was pushed completely off balance, sending his body tumbling down a stairway, deep into the cellar below, before a crash and a slam of a door left him in silence.The sound of flames caught his attention, as he wiped his face clean and a single functioning eye shot open, seeing nothing but flames and a broken lamp at the base of his only exit.Panicked, and with no way out against the quickly spreading flames, Ilario desperately sought out an exit - Finding only a wooden doorway that lead to the surface, boarded from the outside.Desperate, the man screamed and sobbed, slamming his body against the doors as the flames crawled up his legs and roasted his skin.Suddenly, the doors shot open and another templar pulled him to safety, where he slowly lost consciousness, as his savior would be shot dead just beside him.-The massacre never did leave his mind, spiraling his already struggling mind into a validated hell, fearful of all but those who had done this to him - as well as who could they be next.
All he knew was that the truest of Templars kept him safe, and thus, he joined steadfastly.Still, In his paranoid delusions, Ilario trained privately and traveled the same, doing his templar master's bidding while never staying in one place for too long, nor while trusting any man or woman with his mind or body for long.
The Nightstalker
Content Warnings:
Gore, Murder, Dismemberment, Disembowelment, Cruelty, ASPD Branched Psychopathy, Child/Infant Death, Serial Killing, House Fire.

- Biography -
Name: Joe
Fandom: Assassins Creed (III)
Age: 26
Height: 5'6
Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
Unruly short to medium-length, brown hat tousled hair.
Tanned skin. Thin Lips. Amber-Brown Eyes.
18th Century Brown leather thief's garb w/ leather pouches and tools of trade upon his black double-belt.
Carries a large hookblade, throwing knives and other single-use defenses. Dons a brown wide-rim hat with a single side stitched upward.
Origins: Massachusetts, USA.
Mannerisms: Tense, squared posture, with a paranoid gaze locked or darting around to pair. Fidgets often with items or moves to often crack his neck or knuckles with his free hands.
Loyalties: The Brotherhood.
The Women of the Night.
- Extra -tda.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Born to inexperienced parents in Massachusetts, America, Joe was a "problem child" from the start - one that his parents hadn't the patience the deal with, deciding mutually to dump the toddler into an orphanage.Joe grew up here, within the confines of the bland walls of the two-story building, taking the attention of many of the figures around him; Some of which, adopted the young boy, just to promptly return him after he caused problems within the households. As he grew older, these impulses and developmental issues grew to be more of an issue, resulting in each and every adoptive parent bringing him right back to where he would spend the majority of his life.Within the orphanage, the young man was subjected to medical treatments in an attempt to fix his difficulties, as well as physical abuse for his outbursts and attitude, around doctors and nurses who treated psychopathy as nothing more than the devil within.Resenting all of those around him, At the age of 15, Joe hid an oil lamp from one of the offices under his scattered clothes and warned his closest peers of his intentions. Akin to his outbursts, he wasn't taken fully seriously, and in the dead of night, Joe managed to pick open the door to his shared bedroom, oil lamp in hand, before he slipped into the laundry room and set it ablaze.Amidst the panic of the fire and all those trying to escape, Joe proceeded down the stairs and bashed a window open, before escaping into the street.The flames engulfed the building within the hour, taking the lives of every infant, child, teenager, and adult that couldn't find a way out in time. Unfeeling to this, Joe boarded a passing train and fled the furthest he could, eventually finding a place in the streets of New York, where a nearby brothel would feed and care for him.Joe remained on the streets well into his 20s and then 30s, slaying innocents to take their homes until he could stomach their rotting corpses no longer, and he was forced to continue moving. These actions earned him the moniker of "The Nightstalker", a serial murderer that law enforcement had no lead on, as well as little pattern to run off of.Eventually, he would find employment in the Assassin's order, to which he would serve when he pleased - as well as an almost-steady residence within a nearby Brothel, where his loyalties truly lay.He would remain as protection to the brothel's girls, never passing up the opportunity to follow unruly patrons and show them the ripper was closer to their pleasures than they could have ever guessed.
"𝔒𝔩𝔡 𝔜𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔪 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱"𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔲𝔰
Content Warnings:
Gore, Murder, Dismemberment, Disembowelment, Cruelty, Fire Trauma, Self-destructiveness, Intense Anger, Futile Existentialism, Bodily fluid ingestion, Cannibalism, Monster-fucking.

- Biography -
Name: Lucius
Fandom: Bloodborne
Age: 23
Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Origins: Old YharnamAppearance:
Curly, Medium-Length Red hair.
Tanned White Skin. Thin Lips. Sharpened lower and upper canine teeth.
Tattered & Burned Black Cape and Coat.
Red Eyes w/ collapsed Irises.
Dons a torn wide, brimmed hat.
Wields a beast cutter weapon Example. as well as using his own claws.Mannerisms: Very expressive in nature. Casual, Upright posture.
Cannot idly stand still, fidgeting often.
The League.
Vileblood Queen.
- Extra -tda.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Born to a small, unexpecting family within Yharnam, Lucius was more than what the two parents were expecting. Overwhelmed by the responsibility and stresses of parenthood, and convinced the child would be better off elsewhere, the young child was thus adopted and raised by an older family member within Old Yharnam.At the beginning of the outbreak and coming of the night, Lucius took up arms with his neighbors against the scourge of beasts, while slowly becoming aware that he had become infected through his consumption of the old blood.
At the height of the paranoia and outbreak, Lucius was discovered to have been infected and thusforth, was fit to be strung up and burned upon the stakes along with the other beasts around him.By some string of fate, An elderly rogue & retired powderkeg hunter by the name of Irma, who had been dedicating her skills to protecting what was left of the city, had an impulsive change of heart upon seeing the corruption and rashness of the hunters in executing those who still had obvious humanity within them, choosing to defect from her original cause and save the young man from the roaring flames.From this point forward, Lucius joined the Elder's cause and kept her safe as the city began to fall, burned entirely to the ground.Upon his travels, the two had come across a wandering man, a callous royal who stuck to the pair, before revealing of his escape from the massacred city of Cainhurst, as well as his name: Warren.The three traveled together, pushing forward against the struggles of the old ones and the beasts that stood in the way of their freedom in the morning light. Amidst the chaos of uncertainty and plague, Lucius chose to serve his own personal interests, settling within the Vilebloods of Castle Cainhurst - under the leadership of Queen Annalise and her blade, the Bloody Crow - as well as the League, before he is forcibly terminated from service.At the height of the blood moon, Irma had now disappeared, leaving the beast on a quest to find her, which would be diverted as the old ones began to take hold and many enemies were soon to be made.
Soon - the presence of flora, writhing within the blood moon, had lulled the beast into her arms, entrapping him in her influence and leading the man to turn against his once beloved allies.Under her influence, the beast continues to race against the clock of his inescapable fate, yearning to find the inprint he will leave behind.
Exhiled Knight Kaius
Content Warnings:
Murder, Impalement, Existentialism, Executions, Alienation, Continuous Burning Flesh + Self-Harm, End of the World scenarios.

- Extra -tda.
- Biography -
Name: Kaius
Fandom: Elden Ring
Age: 30
Height:6'4Primary Spells/Incantations: The Flame of Frenzy, Howl of Shabriri, Golden Vow, Blessing of the Erdtree, Inescapable Frenzy.
Weapons: Polearms / Great Weapon Fighter.Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: BisexualAppearance:
Short, Wavy Brown hair, slicked back with sweat. Frenzied Orange eyes (Example) with heavy dark circles beneath. Slim, Muscular Frame. Body Littered in battle scars and the burns of the three fingers (Example)Dons the helmet and armor of Leyndell knights, cursed with the briar gauntlets and leggings - still yet marking him as a criminal.Origins: Leyndell Royal Capital
Mannerisms: Very expressive in nature. Casual, Upright posture.
Cannot idly stand still, fidgeting often.
The Golden Order
Leyndell Royal Capital
Frenzied FlameRanni the Witch.
Nokstella, Catriona.
- 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 -
Born within the golden capital city of Leyndell, Kaius was thrust into servitude of the gods and their image at a young age. When he reached an age befitting responsibility, he joined the city guard and made a name for himself amongst the ranks as a protector of light and all things golden under the Erdtree’s embrace.Never leaving the city walls, and with no reason to escape the holy city, pure and radiant from the touch of death and rot, Kaius devoted his entire existence to the Golden lineage — vowing upon himself to keep the city safe, no matter the enemy or cost.It was this belief that could keep him blinded, entrapped, and would ultimately make him suffer his biggest betrayal. As the shattering of the Elden Ring and the wars that he fought beside it, the same allies would soon discard him, once he had been discovered to venture outside of faith and light; no matter how briefly.Tempted by the raging flame of frenzy, Kaius peered too far into the flittering lips of fire and allowed its madness to change him, or at least, so it was said. Disgraced by those around him, and betrayed by the woman he loved most, all seeing him as mad and bereft of light, Kaius — and his faithful page — would suffer the fate of exile. Their city now out of reach, for all of time to come.Overcome with a loss of self, purpose, and a home, paired with a rage of betrayal, Kaius swore his body, mind, and soul to the three fingers, driving his now-scorched body to become a Lord in their name. For love, for self, for equality — to burn the erdtree and his beloved city to the ground, ending this cruel world as it revealed its true colors. No matter the input from others, his pageThere would come a time when he found himself driven to the undercity of Nokstella, littered with wounds before a single javelin knocked him off his feet, forcing him to scramble to safety. Here — Alone, nestled into a dark room away from the swordswomen that patrolled the city, he scrambled for anything to aid him until he could reach grace unharmed, proving to be a futile attempt as a cleric inched closer to him. As he reached for his spear, shakily pointed in her direction, the woman thusforth named Catriona cautiously pitied him. Driven by her curiosity, His blood ran red — not white — and spread warmly, his form unwillingly volatile beneath her cold fingers, staining her white robes an unknown crimson.His helmet sputtered with flame, limbs shaking as the javelin remained in his chest, his body clinging to consciousness and control as he opened his heart to another.An effort that would change his life, prying his bitter heart from the three claws of the frenzied fingers, but ultimately leading her to leave her own city in his footsteps.Together, they find new purpose under the moon and frozen stars, under her, carving a path forward so that the dusk may finally fall.The night maiden and her once-holy knight that could bring forth the Age of the Stars — aided by a child of the godly queen herself, Ranni the Witch.